Have you ever wondered how Standards are developed and the process behind them? If so, then you’ll probably be aware that it takes time, patience and lots of consideration (as all worthwhile things do!).
Rhianne Kiddle
On the same page: shaping a common vocabulary for euconsent
Jul 19, 2021 | Project activities
Language is never straight forward. It is nuanced, open to interpretation, and the same words can often mean different things to different people. So, when one of our partners, Age Check Certification Scheme, accepted the task of generating a glossary of terms for the euCONSENT project, we anticipated challenges ahead. ACCS have been working at pace to establish a Common Vocabulary that can be utilised by all partners across the euCONSENT Consortium for the duration of the project, and create something that will be integral to running the euCONSENT system after the project has finished.
For euConsent everyday is both a challenge and a reminder of the major benefits of the project
May 5, 2021 | Project activities
The euCONSENT project has been working at speed since March the 1st to build the foundation for a successful outcome. Our primary goal is to ensure that the solution we develop for online parental consent and age verification across Europe is designed from the start with the views and suggestions of children as the driving force.
euConsent common vocabulary
Apr 28, 2021 | Project activities
For euConsent, one very important aspect is the use of a common vocabulary, especially having partners in different countries but also because we aim to raise the issue of safety in online environment for children, anywhere in Europe.
Therefore one activity of our research phase consists in gatherering a glossary or terms, provisions, descriptions and definitions used in the field of age verification and parental consent, to build a common vocabulary.