PPPA-AGEVER-01-2020: “Outline and trial an infrastructure dedicated to the implementation of child rights and protection mechanisms in the online domain”

PPPA-AGEVER-01-2020: “Outline and trial an infrastructure dedicated to the implementation of child rights and protection mechanisms in the online domain”

Rhianne Kiddle

Rhianne Kiddle

The Age Check Certification Scheme is a UKAS accredited Conformity Assessment Body providing independent certification services to businesses who need to check ID or ages of their customers.
On the same page: shaping a common vocabulary for euconsent

On the same page: shaping a common vocabulary for euconsent

Language is never straight forward. It is nuanced, open to interpretation, and the same words can often mean different things to different people. So, when one of our partners, Age Check Certification Scheme, accepted the task of generating a glossary of terms for the euCONSENT project, we anticipated challenges ahead. ACCS have been working at pace to establish a Common Vocabulary that can be utilised by all partners across the euCONSENT Consortium for the duration of the project, and create something that will be integral to running the euCONSENT system after the project has finished.

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euConsent common vocabulary

euConsent common vocabulary

For euConsent, one very important aspect is the use of a common vocabulary, especially having partners in different countries but also because we aim to raise the issue of safety in online environment for children, anywhere in Europe.

Therefore one activity of our research phase consists in gatherering a glossary or terms, provisions, descriptions and definitions used in the field of age verification and parental consent, to build a common vocabulary.

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euConsent Consortium

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