PPPA-AGEVER-01-2020: “Outline and trial an infrastructure dedicated to the implementation of child rights and protection mechanisms in the online domain”

PPPA-AGEVER-01-2020: “Outline and trial an infrastructure dedicated to the implementation of child rights and protection mechanisms in the online domain”

euCONSENT and the Better Internet For Kids+ Strategy

The European Commission has published an update to their approach to making the internet a safer place for children across Europe, the Better Internet For Kids+ (BIK+) Strategy.

We were delighted to see a commitment to build on the work of euCONSENT funded project to create interoperability for age checks and parental consent processes across Europe:

Building on ongoing work [euCONSENT is a EU funded pilot project aiming to design and test an interoperable solution for age verification and parental consent]  and taking account of the new DSA [Digital Services Act] rules for online platforms, the Commission will support methods to prove age in a privacy-preserving and secure manner, to be recognised EU-wide. The Commission will work with Member States [primarily through the safer internet for children expert group] (who in line with national legislation can choose to issue electronic IDs to the under-18s under the recent proposal on a European Digital Identity), relevant stakeholders and European standardisation organisations to strengthen effective age verification methods, as a priority. This work will encourage market solutions through a robust framework of certification and interoperability. 

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euConsent has the support of Ewa Kopacz, Vice President of the European Parliament and European Parliament Coordinator on Children’s Rights

euConsent has the support of Ewa Kopacz, Vice President of the European Parliament, European Parliament Coordinator on Children’s Rights: “Online technologies provide many wonderful opportunities for children both in terms of education and social interaction. All children should be able to participate in and benefit from the internet, social media and other digital tools. At the same time, we must ensure we have policies, laws and tools in place to protect children from abuse and exploitation when in the online environment.”

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Digital Age of Consent under the GDPR

The previous Data Protection Directive that regulated the data protection principles and requirements in the EU did not distinguish the measures to be adopted between adults and children regarding the processing of personal data. However, as children increasingly started to access the internet, the regulator had to respond to this shift in the market. In that regard, the GDPR incorporated a separate article that regulates the processing of children’s personal data where children can provide valid consent on their behalf.
As per Article 8 of the GDPR, where consent is the most appropriate mechanism to process personal data, ‘in relation to the offer of information society services directly to a child, the processing of the personal data of a child shall be lawful where the child is at least 16 years old’. It is the responsibility of the controller to ‘make reasonable efforts to verify in such cases that consent is given or authorised by the holder of parental responsibility over the child, taking into consideration available technology’.

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European Digital Identity Wallet: is the end nigh for independent age verification?

At first sight, the creation of an EU digital wallet may appear to some observers to offer a state-sponsored replacement for the online age verification market. Yet why, those same observers may ask, is the EU already funding a major project to develop the infrastructure require for interoperable age verification and parental consent ( The answer lies in some key distinctions between the two initiatives, but does not preclude the opportunity to leverage some significant synergies through complementary aspects of each exercise.

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euConsent Consortium

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